Fast Sparse Approximation for Least Square Support Vector Machine Licheng Jiao, Liefeng Bo and Ling Wang Xidian University Abstract: In this paper, we present two fast sparse approximation schemes for least squares support vector machine (LS-SVM) [2], named FSALS-SVM and PFSALS-SVM [1], to overcome the limitation of LS-SVM that it is not applicable to large data sets and to improve test speed. FSALS-SVM iteratively builds the decision function by adding one basis function from a kernel-based dictionary at one time. The process is terminated by using a flexible and stable epsilon insensitive stopping criterion. A probabilistic speedup scheme is employed to further improve the speed of FSALS-SVM and the resulting classifier is named PFSALS-SVM. Our algorithms are of two compelling features: low complexity and sparse solution. Experiments on benchmark data sets show that our algorithms obtain sparse classifiers at a rather low cost without sacrificing the generalization performance. References
Matlab and C++ Source Code Description: FSALS-SVM is a package for implementing fast sparse approximation for LS-SVM. Requirement: Matlab 7.01 and VC++ 6.0. Download: [code]. This package is free for academic usage. You can run it at your own risk. |