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OverviewScriptroute is a flexible network measurement and debugging system. Measurements are expressed as scripts that run as an ordinary user, and a priviledged daemon schedules and manages the packet exchange. The goal is to allow any user to connect to any server and execute any safe network measurement.Features for users:
Features for developers:
Features for administrators:
Live ToolsActive serversA bare-bones, dynamically generated list of currently active servers. Many are part of PlanetLab. Reverse
Path Tree PapersNeil Spring, David Wetherall, and Tom AndersonScriptroute: A Public Internet Measurement Facility pdf ps USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems (USITS), 2003. ManualsScriptroute Administrator's Guide (work in progress) pdf psInformation about building, installing, and configuring Scriptroute at your site.
Scriptroute Scriptwriter's Guide (work in progress)
ps Program man pages:
Measurement script man pages:
TalksNeil Spring, David Wetherall, and Tom AndersonScriptroute: A facility for distributed Internet measurement flash USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems (USITS '03), March 2003.
Neil Spring, David Wetherall, and Tom Anderson SoftwarePlease subscribe to the Scriptroute mailing list before downloading and installing scriptroute software. This is important for providing timely distribution of software fixes.SourceScriptroute source code is available at: www.scriptroute.org/source. It has been tested to run on Linux, FreeBSD, and OS X.SubversionScriptroute's subversion repository contains unreleased modifications and planetlab maintenance code that is not included in the distribution. https://subversion.umiacs.umd.edu/scriptroute/scriptroute. To access, install a subversion client and use svn co (that url).DebianAdd to your /etc/apt/sources.list file:deb http://www.scriptroute.org/debian/ stable main deb-src http://www.scriptroute.org/debian/ stable main Don't forget to edit /etc/scriptroute/scriptrouted.conf. RedhatRedhat packages are available at: www.scriptroute.org/redhat I am not a Redhat user: these packages are not as well engineered as their debian counterparts.Don't forget to edit /etc/scriptroute/scriptrouted.conf. The package will not start up the daemon automatically on initial installation: this is intentional, to give you a chance to edit the configuration file. Mac OS X 10.310.3 (or perhaps later) is required. Install the most recent disk image from scriptroute.org/mac. This installer includes a recent copy of undns.FinkThis is an older way to get scriptroute on a mac, not well supported.Add to your /sw/etc/apt/sources.list file: deb http://www.scriptroute.org/fink ./ Don't forget to edit /sw/etc/scriptrouted.conf. PlanetLabA script to install redhat packages for use in PlanetLab vserver slices is available at: www.scriptroute.org/planetlab/planetlab-install Read the first line, and follow the instructions. This client software will connect to the local daemon running in my vserver. If you have a planetlab account, this is the recommended way to use scriptroute. It is reasonably well tested.Example scriptsExample scripts are dissected in the Scriptroute Scriptwriter's guide. To execute them, you'll want the rest of the Scriptroute distribution, which includes both scripts to execute measurements remotely and the interpreter and daemon that enable Scriptroute for your site. tulip is a script based on Scriptroute that finds links with packet reordering, loss, and queueing delay.Mailing ListThe scriptroute mailing list exists to facilitate exchanges between users and developers of the Scriptroute system. You can send mail to nspring at cs.umd.edu if you want to contact me directly. |
Department of Computer Science & Engineering University of Washington Box 352350 Seattle, WA 98195-2350 [comments to Neil Spring] |